on loyalty: how to support your bilbo

Notions of loyalty are in the air these days as we think about what it means to live amongst each other. Politicians are accused of disloyalty (or, increasingly, of too much loyalty). A year ago, people clashed in Charlottesville over their conflicting loyalties: to a mythic past, to a diverse humanity, to racial supremacy, to justice. Even this weekend’s theaters told the story of how a stuffed bear’s loyalty calls Christopher Robin to embrace the values of his boyhood.

Loyalty, whether to a person or a cause or an idea, is elevated in our public imagination, as if it were a rare and noble trait. At times it seems the measure of a person: When given the choice to be loyal to a friend or eager to get ahead, what will he choose? When the simple betrayal of principals, dressed up like loyalty to a boss, can make her indispensable, will she choose advancement?

I have observed, in the past few months, a change in the way loyalty functions. Honorable loyalty once arose from the dignity and value of its object. A person’s honesty, or their sacrificial commitment to the good of others, was first established, and then loyalty followed. A person’s loyalty mattered because the object of their loyalty was just and good.

Now, however, the measure of a person seems to be based on his faithfulness to loyalty itself, rather than on the worthiness of the object that requires it. We find value in the act of loyalty, with no regard for the discernment required to decide when loyalty is warranted. This is problematic; being steadfastly loyal to a terrible ideal is not noble. In fact, through their loyalty, such people actively advocate for the destruction of the common good. The transitive property applies: If I decide to be loyal to a person who bullies others and lies regularly, then I have pledged fidelity to a bad actor. In this case I cannot then expect respect, for my commitment reveals a stubborn lack of discernment. Loyalty is only valuable if the object of the loyalty is just.

This obviously applies to politics. Do we value, as a society, blind allegiance to candidates who represent the Donkeys or the Elephants? Or do we value the discernment required to find a candidate each time who happens to best embody values and policies we support? Perhaps more importantly, do we appreciate people who consider the expertise of others and think independently? Do we employ loyalty when a candidate’s way of being in the world embodies the idea that democracy requires space for diverse perspectives? I’m afraid we are so taken with the idea that loyalty is always noble that we have mistakenly replaced loyalty with enabling. 

Sticking with someone through thick and thin is a good thing. Defending a person who has been wronged is a good thing. However, blindly defending a person who once seemed worthy but is now clearly destructive is irresponsible enabling. Bad actors, bad legislators, bad policies, bad leaders keep acting badly because people remain loyal to them. Such loyalty enables their bad behavior. It is not noble or just or a sacrificial determination to stay the course; it is active support for leaders who do harm to the community. The vanishing truth is this: loyalty sometimes requires faithful resistance instead of surrender.

Consider Samwise Gamgee. He stumbles into the Fellowship of the Nine with nothing to offer except his service to Frodo and his growing faith in the necessity of the mission on which they embark. Sure, he is celebrated as a man whose worth is discovered primarily through his faithfulness to and encouragement of Mr. Baggins, but his loyalty increasingly resides with the mission, not with Frodo. When Frodo loses his metaphorical way, as he sometimes does, Sam’s loyalty is evidenced by his correction of and challenge to Frodo. If Sam believed our conventional wisdom, loyalty would mean absolute support of Frodo’s every action, even when he wants to steal the ring or murder others just to keep it. This would have been enabling, not loyalty. Sam’s loyalty might at times have looked like a betrayal of Frodo, but he was in fact more loyal to Frodo’s best self than Frodo was himself. This, it seems to me, rather than some stubborn excuse making, is worth emulating.

I count myself among those who follow Christ, who are committed to loving others sacrificially, as he did. I’ve pledged my loyalty, committing myself to seeing all others as image bearers of God, worthy of my kind care. I’m committed to finding the value of others as a given, not as something to be measured by power, wealth or even efficiency. I’m committed to seeing all the ways that loyalty to power destroys community, and have pledged myself to use any power I might have to elevate those undervalued by the city in which I live. I am loyal to this in all the ways I can muster each day. But I struggle to be “loyal” to “the church” (and even to “Christians”).  I put loyal in quotes here because I suspect some find me disloyal. Although such an accusation gives me pause, I am determined to embody a deeper loyalty. A loyalty so deep that, like Samwise Gamgee, I will challenge those who have exchanged loyalty to Christ for loyalty to a person or political party (and I expect the same correction if I lose my way). I want to be loyal to the church, but that means I must challenge any functional faith that exchanges power and privilege as evidence of God’s blessing rather than confession and the sacrificial fruit of repentance. Loyalty demands that mean-spirited patriotism or stubborn self-interest or racial supremacy or protecting the status quo or dismissing the pain of others be challenged as blasphemy, as fully outside the habits or behavior of Christ.

In these times, we need a deep loyalty, not an enabling one. Question what you protect, who you defend, and who earns your skepticism. It is easy to be either blindly loyal or apathetic, but neither are worthy of all you have to give. Instead, choose what is worthy of your energy, and support that with a loyalty that faithfully resists evil in any form. Be loyal by calling us out when we lose our way.

bad manners: how we talk politics

This week is election week in Middle Tennessee, and that means the phone calls and door knockers are out in droves. Sometimes the eager human standing on my porch has such a painful combination of nervous earnestness that I am tempted to say I’ll vote for a candidate I find unacceptable in almost every way. My favorite moment so far has been with a nearly prepubescent-looking young man who came to the door. I was dressed inappropriately, my daughter looked abandoned as she stood crying for juice with her hair only half braided, and I was holding onto my dog’s collar for dear life as she tried to attack our visitor (or maybe escape to her freedom in the civilized wilds of our neighborhood). Despite the fact that it clearly was NOT a good time, my young guest launched into his shpeal. I already supported his candidate, so I tried to listen, hunched over to hide my pajamas, clutching the dog with one hand while unsuccessfully attempting to smooth my daughter’s hair with the other. We crossed the Rubicon of reasonable interaction when I realized he was determined to use his entire script, and was actually trying to casually get to know me so he could discern which issue he should emphasize. After a few failed attempts to ask me to chat about my background or neighborhood, I tried to gently but abruptly say, “This is really not a great time for me to have a conversation, but I am grateful you are on our street, and I appreciate [specific things] about your candidate, and I’d love a yard sign. Thanks for stopping by.” If there is a way to be both gentle and abrupt, I don’t know it, so I’m sure my supportive words were diminished by my haggard and rushed delivery. Indeed, I think we all felt relieved it was over (except for the damn dog!).

If we are unwilling to talk with people about our evolving views on life in a civil society, are we not helping sustain an uncivil one? 

I have equal parts admiration and cringiness for such campaign volunteers.  Admiration because they believe so strongly in the necessity of an informed and engaged citizenry that they brave the heat, wild animals, hostile encounters, and awkward interactions with people like me just to tell us an election is coming and they have some thoughts to share! I admire their effort and determination. I cringe because they don’t know who will open the door: an ally or an adversary. Yesterday a representative called to tell me, with nary a pause for breath, that her candidate was committed to American values, not lying and politics-as-usual, just like President Trump. She went on to say we needed more tax relief for job creators, less government regulation, and a solid governor who was very pro-life and very pro-gun. I attempted to abruptly but gently (again, not possible) interrupt her to say, “I appreciate you calling but I don’t think it is possible to be “very” pro-gun and pro-life and I think most of those policies would be terrible for our state. Thanks for calling though!” As the call ended, I wondered why I didn’t ask her what she cared about instead of simply trying to get off the phone. Could I engage a person reading a script like that to ask them how de-regulation will help the citizenry, or how being pro-gun lines up with being pro-life? I know these positions make sense politically, but how are they aligned in real life? Do they come from the same ethical framework? She might have had a compelling argument, and I could have learned from her. Instead, I gave my opinion and ended the call, as if a conversation was not even possible.

Is it possible to discuss politics without getting defensive or aggressive? The lack of conversations like the one I imagined above is directly linked to the divisive speech and acts that fill our public sphere. We don’t know how to talk to each other about the things we care about. We don’t know how to care about our own interests and the interests of others. Even worse, we aren’t allowed to wonder aloud about the things we aren’t fully sure about.

It is considered bad manners to bring up political issues at many supper tables or work lunches, but I am advocating for exactly that. In an age in which some of our news, most of our political ads (and many Presidential tweets, for that matter) seem to stand alone, beyond any context or factual evidence, face to face discourse about issues or candidates is a remarkable thing. What if, instead of thinking it was bad manners to talk politics, we tried to talk about our hopes or convictions or understanding of economics and regulatory processes with other people?  What if we talked about school board candidates with people whose kids go to Title 1 schools, charter schools, and zoned schools, or with principals, teachers and folks who work in the central office? If we only discuss such things with “safe people” (aka people with whom we agree), then we are far more likely to vote in an uninformed way.

If we are unwilling to talk with people about our evolving views on life in a civil society, are we not helping sustain an uncivil one?  I know many have been burned in political conversations that go off the rails; however, it seems to me that we are trapped in a prison we are all actively building.  We say, “I just can’t imagine supporting that person” or, “How on earth does X think it is okay to believe this while voting for that?” What if we instead directly asked, “Will you help me understand your thoughts on this candidate (or this issue)?” or, “I honestly struggle with part of the platform. What are your thoughts?” Some folks know exactly what they believe, while others struggle to coherently justify their voting record. Those with strong beliefs need not bully those who are uncertain. Imagine being the person others come to in order to learn about an issue or a candidate. Imagine being a person who engages in conversations not to persuade or to win, but to understand, to inform, and to open new possibilities for thinking. Political conversations require patience and curiosity; it requires humility to realize you might not have thought through every possible outcome or implication of your position. Nevertheless, such conversations are necessary! If we don’t like our political climate, we need to talk face to face about candidates and issues with one another. Let’s make apathy, bullying and ignorance bad manners. Let’s talk with each other.

what I learned from a bar: leaning in in an age of skepticism

I am lucky enough to live within walking distance to the best bar. The 12th South Taproom patio is my favorite place to sit alone or with a friend as an afternoon unwinds. The food is fabulous, the wait staff happy to pretend we’re old friends, and the infinite selection of draft beer inspiring. My deep familiarity with the Taproom is sometimes shaken when I introduce a new friend to the bar. The problem is this: The wait staff appear to have no rules. They are cheerful, engaging and never in a hurry. They are so chill, in fact, that they share each other’s work constantly and seamlessly. I have come to love watching the dance they do, mostly because they remind me that my obsessions with efficiency and doing are powerful forces that dehumanize those around me.

At the Taproom, you sit wherever you want, and pretty soon a waitress bring you a menu. She grabs your drink order. A few minutes later, a waiter brings your beer, and then asks if you want to order food.  At this point, the first timer nearly always looks at the veteran with hesitation, then turns to the waiter, “Um, we already have a waitress, and she took our drink orders.”

Waiter: “That’s cool. I’ll take your food order.”

First timer: [Looks skeptical]

Veteran: “It’s a crazy system, but you can trust it. I’ll have the Cobb with Salmon.”

First Timer: “Okay. I’ll have the quesadilla.”

Minutes pass, your beer is getting low, and a totally different waitress walks by, asking if you want another round.  The first timer says sure, and picks up the beer menu to figure out what she ordered before. By the time she looks up, the waitress is gone.

First timer: “Wait, that wasn’t our waitress. How does she know what we ordered?”

Veteran: “I have no freaking idea, but they never screw it up and somehow they know already.”

By the end of the meal, the skepticism has vanished, your friend has met most of the wait staff, and she is starting to see why this neighborhood bar feels like a neighborhood. You all seem to know each other, and you trust that by being together, the doing will get done right.

I am a systems thinker; I love knowing how everything works. I also love being in control, so my first few visits to the Taproom thoroughly baffled me. Thrown by the casual way the entire staff shared every table, I was sure it was an inefficient system that would drop a lot of balls. But it wasn’t. And they don’t. It all runs perfectly, pretty much every time.

That was a ridiculously long set up just to say that I’ve been thinking about the relationships between doing and being, and the links between understanding and engaging. By adopting the practice of observing my own patterns, I realize I am a doer, and I typically don’t fully engage until I understand a thing or a person comprehensively. I like goals, and I like efficiency that is measured and consistent. This is why the Taproom baffled me initially; the system didn’t make sense to me. When I was a first timer, or even a first-few-timeser, I didn’t want to tell the random waiter what I wanted. I didn’t want to waste my time investing in a system that couldn’t possibly work. But then it did work. My need to understand a thing before I trusted it kept me from fully enjoying the moment I was in.

For those of us who prefer doing to being, trusting someone else’s excellence can be excruciating. We get disappointed a lot. But here is the thing: When I withhold my engagement because I’m not sure I understand or support exactly what is going on, I miss out on the life happening before me. I withhold myself because I trust my sense of things more than I trust the innovation of others. This might seems like good boundaries, but it is actually unchecked arrogance. The truth is trusting only my instincts diminishes the people around me.

Loving the Taproom without understanding how a stranger always bring me the right beer reminds me that my way of seeing and doing is not always best. It has taught me that I can fully engage in a system without understanding exactly how it works. It has taught me that sometimes I need to be instead of do. It has taught me that compulsive doing and fixing can be toxic not just to myself but to others. My need to understand before I engage greatly blocks my ability to empathetically be with those around me. My unhealthy need to do:  

1)   Makes me focus on process and product more than people. I lose sight of those around me or under my care when I focus on efficiency more than those contributing to the system. I simply cannot appreciate a person, their effort, or perspective, when I find value in them primarily through my understanding of their efficiency.

2)   Makes me a drag to be around. People see skepticism. People know when I withhold my active engagement, and they can sense when approval is not granted. When I only engage after I fully understand and approve of a process, I send signals that the people around me have to earn my love, my support, my presence.

3)   Makes me arrogantly value my perspective more than others. I trust my instincts, but I need to learn to question my need to understand and do, because both urges often hinder me from appreciating others.

My ability to preemptively—and incorrectly—judge the way a bar organizes their staff serves as a reminder that my dual needs to do and understand are often wrong. We all have patterns of behavior that determine how we engage with and value people. In a time when many of us seem to find little value in unfamiliar systems or peoples, it is necessary to actively resist the individual habits that keep us from engaging. I am convinced the only way for me to appreciate a person different from me is to spend time being fully present with them. To lean in, instead of hanging back until I assess their worthiness. Observe yourself. Do you withhold your full engagement until you are 100% convinced others have earned your presence? Does your need to fix or do hinder your ability to be present? When are you likely to withhold? As a society we face fragmenting forces from many arenas; it behooves us to make sure we are not one of them. When we withhold our presence from those around us, it is nearly impossible to affirm their dignity or enjoy discovering the differences among us. Question your instincts, and others might surprise you.